Monday, 12 May 2008

Lost Innocence

I seem to be thinking a heck of a lot these days. Of life, love and the lessons I probably should have learnt along the way. I'm 22 and started early on this path of self destruction I'm currently on. I look back and try and think when I was ever able to call myself innocent. When did I loose my innocence? Did I ever have it to lose in the first place anyway? Was it taken away without my knowledge or did I willingly give it out...?

AO's "Missing the Innocence" sprang into my head:

I wish I wasn't waiting
This place gets smaller everyday
We all have characters and we know
the parts we play
We're actors and actresses,that's
all. Please take me away
I just want to start over
There are things I'd like to change
I miss the innocence, when the doors
all stood wide open
The sun's gone down on better days
If I let you know, nothing can last forever
I never thought everything would change
If I let it go, nothing can last forever
I never thought everything would change
Well, maybe I did. Just not today
I never thought that things would change
I miss the innocence

I think the song's about growing up and losing the innocence we all once had. The idea that you lose your innocence when you lose your virginity though to me is flawed!

By definition, innocence is "the state of being free from sin or moral wrong" so I suppose it depends what you consider a sin or morally wrong! Some of the things I do are perhaps morally wrong for the rest of society but not in my books. You cannot tarnish me with the same brush as others. I simply won't allow it. I think you really lose your innocence when you change who you are, and become just another gear in society. I am me.

Loving. Promiscuous. Kind Hearted. Adventurous. Sexually Deviant.

but that is me, here to stay I'm afraid. I may not be innocent in your eyes but at the end of the day there is only one person that can judge me and he doesn't reside on this Earth... My innocence comes by staying true to myself and my beliefs. Only when I give up on my dreams will I truly lose my innocence.

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